
Hail to the Champ

Lance Armstrong

Seven times a winner of the Tour de France for seven straight years, nobody has dominated one sporting event like Lance Armstrong has done. There is no need for me to recap the struggles Lance has gone through to win the yellow jersey so many times.

The odd thing about the Tour de France is that everybody talks about it yet nobody watches it. Cycling isn't thought of as a spectator sport, which is understandable for those who don't follow the sport closely. Cycling is similar to an event like the Boston Marathon, you may respect the people who win it but you don't really feel compelled to watch them run.

In addition, the Tour de France suffers from the five or six hour time difference between France and the east coast of the U.S. (and eight hours if you live on the west coast). Many people are waking up just as the riders are crossing the finish line.

That being I said I recomend you catch the replay of the 21 st and final stage of the Tour tonight on OLN at 8. With the Arch de Triumph, Eiffel Tower and other Parisian landmarks in the background there is no more picturesque ride than the final lap around the Champs-Elysees. It is the last stage Lance Armstrong will ever ride, and if nothing else watch it to see the American flag raised over Paris with our national anthem playing in the background.

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