
Foozball Truthiness

I was contemplating throwing out some team previews as I did last year but after these works any effort I attempted would smell like Bigfoot's dick in comparison.

My favorite part about these previews? The focus on coaching changes, and the impact that a new coaching staff can have on fantasy football. Without going to much into the fantasy football side, the NFL is a coach's league which is why all of the Falcons so-called talent means jack shit as long as Mora the Younger is at the helm of that sinking ship.

Anyway, check out Breakaway Beach, it'll do you good.


Anonymous said...

I'll be expecting a check in the mail any day now.

Ski said...

stevie boy, the checks in the mail...but a heads up so is a mail bomb in a seperate but identical package. Good luck figuring out which is which.